Thursday, July 15, 2010

.. .Difficult siMplicity

.. so I look at this picture and think.. what a difficult simplicity - there are no rules when it comes to our feelings! no 'right' or 'wrong time'.. no 'too much'.. no 'not enough'.. no 'mistakes'.. as long as it is sincere and real!
feel FREE to feel ;)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

..shARE YOUr umbrella!

..happy! He asked why? I said .. People that surround me make me happy! He asked me how do they make me happy? the happiness is not around you, it is inside..Probably you are gifted to be happy ..and his words reminded me that I have to share my "happiness umbrella"! to share my thoughts and my views through my colors!
.. don't forget to shARE YOUr umbrella :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

fACE it

... Yes the past might hurt.. might leave you with tons of fears.. might scare you... even might leave you with no light at the end of the tunnel! But the way I see it - We can either run from it.. OR LEARN from it! and when you're done with learning put IT in a small tiny cute box with a name "Learning from experience" and live in a present!

!Feels good to be back

Friday, March 12, 2010

. ... .. ... .. ........... .. imagination..

We haven‘t had such a snowy and cold winter for ages.. Huge snowbanks brought me a lot of memories from my childhood! Snowballs .. Snow fights .. Snow castles .. Snowmen .. Snowflakes .. Snow angels.. in a winter time as a child you need just one thing – SNOW and all other things come from your imagination!
Weird.. but experience that you get with your age sometimes (usually) kills your imagination. Seriously!Think how many grown ups you could diagnose with a hardly known disease Lack of imagination? :)

Spring is already on a calender .. unfortunately there‘s no spring outside my window! I‘ll leave you with couple snowy illustrations and a hope that THE MEDICINE for the hardly known disease (that I‘ve mentioned) this year WILL be SUN!

Friday, January 1, 2010

..2o1o. .. ....

..our clocks struck twelve on December 31st!
NEW number! NEW year! NEW hopes! NEW wishes! NEW energy! NEW ambitions to get rid of all the bad things, bad habits, bad memories.. and to keep all the good ones! .. and more.. much more promises that only you can know! That's why I have a GIFT FOR YOU..
Three things that I want you to have!!! (not only in 2010:)

I wish you all the best!
... and don't forget that only positive thinking attracts positive things!