Saturday, September 11, 2010

.. family and unique friends .. that's my safety net for life!

so i'm free.. free falling

Sunday, September 5, 2010

!fortune cookie

Sure, you have duties, but what about your duties to YourSelf!? (cookie's wisdom)

So true that I couldn't leave it without sharing!
Don't forget yourself .. cause you are the main ingredient for your joyful life!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

..let me do it myself!

I was using an Urban Dictionary to find a meaning of the word CHEESY!
I didn't think that you can find so much in this word.. I copied my favorite part of the definition:
Gold chains on an exposed hairy chest are cheesy because they shout out: "I have money and I am manly" instead of impressing a woman in a more subtle way, or allowing a woman to form her own judgments. The excessive showing off suggests he's compensating for what he does not have...

The gold chain example is kinda obvious so all the sudden I came up with another one! Very common situation.. you meet someone who keeps telling you about all the books/magazines/articles/ he have read and while you're listening your imagination sees a blinking sign above him CLEVER!
(my imagination usual brings me to Las Vegas and creates very tacky sign)!
but lets get back to your company.. he can talk hours about things that makes him LOOK clever! but after several conversations or in a every day life situation you'll understand what is the difference between "look" clever and be "clever"..

so let me do it myself..! Let ME understand that I met very interesting and clever person.. no imaginary signs needed :)


PS don't have good quality pictures from Las Vegas.. but I love this picture of a Coin Operated Antique Binoculars.. and for me that's how fare you have to look to see a real you!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

..big day as every day

..birthday the DAY is not a big celebration for me! surprised!? You know why? because you should celebrate every singly day of your life! and enjoy it bite after bite.. embrace it. ..
and a song in a background! It's my party and I cry (or laugh) if I want to cry if I want would cry to if it happened to you!

Sunday, August 22, 2010